Setting the playing speed (only when the audiobook is playing) (type D audio)

Each time you briefly press “RPT” button) while the audiobook is (the “RPT” button) while the audiobook is playing, the playing speed changes in the following sequence.

When the following messages are displayed

    See also:

    Conditions in which front passenger’s SRS frontal airbag is not activated
    The front passenger’s SRS frontal airbag will not be activated when any of the following conditions are met regarding the front passenger’s seat: ● The seat is empty. ● The seat is equ ...

    Example of accident in which the driver’s/driver’s and front passenger’s SRS frontal airbag(s) will most likely deploy.
    A head-on collision against a thick concrete wall at a vehicle speed of 12 to 19 mph (20 to 30 km/h) or higher activates only the driver’s SRS frontal airbag or both driver’s and front passe ...

    Front passenger’s cup holder
    Do not pick up a cup from the cup holder or put a cup in the holder while you are driving, as this may distract you and lead to an accident. Except STI A dual cup holder is built in the center ...