

Never tow AWD vehicles (including AT, MT and CVT) with the front wheels raised off the ground while the rear wheels are on the ground, or with the rear wheels raised off the ground while the front wheels are on the ground. This will cause the vehicle to spin away due to the operation or deterioration of the center differential.

If towing is necessary, it is best done by your SUBARU dealer or a commercial

If towing is necessary, it is best done by your SUBARU dealer or a commercial towing service. Observe the following procedures for safety.

See also:

Fuse panel located in the engine compartment
A) Main fuse ...

Maintenance tips
Some clips and fender linings must be removed before replacing the air cleaner elements or specific bulbs. ...

System servicing
- When discarding a seatbelt retractor assembly or scrapping the entire vehicle damaged by a collision, consult your SUBARU dealer. - Tampering with or disconnecting the system’s wiring ...